Kelps are large, brown seaweeds that have the potential to improve individual human health and enhance overall planetary resilience.
Growing kelp is regenerative because kelp serves as a catalyst for processes of renewal and restoration. Underwater farms provide sheltered habitats for diverse fish populations, often serving as feeding and nursery areas at key life cycle stages (Christie et al., 2009).
Seaweed farming is often considered the most environmentally friendly form of mariculture (Folke et al., 1998; Roberts and Upham, 2012). A number of ecosystem services are offered by seaweeds (Hasselström et al., 2018). Firstly, growing kelp counters local ocean acidification by sequestering large amounts of carbon. Kelp oxygenates water and balances climate change impacts. “Kelp is also well known for soaking up excess nutrients and making waters cleaner” for marine animals (Jones, 2016).
Zero-input crop
Global food production will need to increase dramatically in the coming decades. The FAO predicts that we will need to grow up to 70% more food by 2050. Kelp will bolster local and global food security by offering high concentrations of marine-derived nutrients and minerals as well as a surprising amount of protein without requiring the inputs of conventional crops. Seaweed farming does not use freshwater resources, nor arable land. No fertilizer is required, and it produces little to no waste (Duarte et al., 2017).
Currently about 90% of seaweed products consumed in the U.S. are imported from Asia, and seaweed consumption is growing at a rate of 7% annually (Ruggless, 2018). Purchasing seaweeds from domestic, small-scale farmers will minimize carbon footprints.

Why choose Noble Ocean Farms?
We are passionate about creating the cleanest, healthiest kelp products possible. As scientists, we are committed to conducting rigorous testing on our kelp before any products go to market.
We both have backgrounds in aquatic resource management and understand the sensitivity of ecosystems. We care deeply about water quality, addressing challenges caused by climate change, and reducing microplastics in the ocean. To ensure that we have the most positive impacts possible on our kelp farm, we are exploring the use of organic cotton ropes and seed string as a replacement for conventional nylon rope. This will also make our products better for your body.
Our intent is to work in harmony with the ocean and give back to the world through cultivating the high-quality kelps.
Contact us today to learn more! (907) 201-8669